The Constitution

(As amended at the AGM’s of 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2020)

  1. The body shall be called “UNIFY – One Education Union”.
  2. It shall be composed of associations of the NASUWT, NEU (Formerly ATL & NUT), UCU (Formerly AUT & NATFHE) or school and college groups which affiliate and any individuals who become patrons, honorary patrons or associate members.
  3. Its objects shall be:
    • To achieve a single union for all education professionals and
    • Thereafter to explore the possibility of widening that union to embrace all workers in education.
  4. The body shall be managed by its Officers which shall be;
    • Organising Secretary
    • Representative Officer from each Union in Point 2
    • Organiser
    • Treasurer and
    • Administrative Officer.
  5. These officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, the quorum for which will be 10.
  6. The AGM is open to all members. All members shall be eligible to vote. Non-members can attend with speaking but not voting rights.
  7. The Annual General Meeting, which will normally take place in the autumn term, will decide, on the advice of the Treasurer, the affiliation fee for the following year by simple majority and any changes to the constitution by two-thirds majority.
  8. A Special General Meeting may be summoned at any time by the Officers giving at least 14 days notice.
  9. The Officers are empowered to act as a Committee of Urgency.